고객센터 전화번호


총 250개 의 호텔정보가 등록되어 있습니다.


Freehand Chicago 프리핸드 시카고 ★★★
Located in the heart of the Windy City Freehand Hotel | Hostel offers dynamic food & beverage and a relaxed community vibe. Our second Freehand outpost is housed in a classic 1927 building in Chicago’s vibrant River North neighborhood - home to some of Chicago's best art galleries, boutiques and restaurants. Rest assured, we have a tapped-in event coordinator on staff planning outings and activities for our guests. Inside, we’ve collaborated with design firm Roman and Williams to transform the former Tokyo Hotel. With innovative design, affordable shared and private rooms, and a comfortable community atmosphere your choice for a stress-free stay in Chicago couldn't be simpler. For eats and drinks, you’ll find a second edition of our celebrated Broken Shaker mixology bar, serving up signature cocktails and bites. Our Café Integral serves up a variety of fine Nicaraguan coffee and seasonal dishes. We also have a communal kitchen where you can make a midnight snack or pull together a picnic for a day of exploring.
호텔 상세정보 | 주소, 누리집, 전화번호, 객실시설, 부대시설 등 부가정보
Address 19 E Ohio St, Chicago, IL 60611
Homepage https://freehandhotels.com/chicago/
Tel (312) 940-3699
  • Freehand Chicago
  • Freehand Chicago
  • Freehand Chicago
  • Freehand Chicago

※ 위 사진은 호텔의 이해를 돕기 위한 것으로 룸타입에 따라 실제 투숙하시는 방과는 다소 차이가 있을 수 있습니다.

카카오 채널 상담 카카오톡 상담

무엇을 도와드릴까요? 여행의 시작부터 끝까지 함께 합니다.고객만족센터






09:00 ~ 18:00
09:00 ~ 14:00

■ 일/공휴일 휴무

■ 코로나19로 인해 토요업무는 잠정 중단됩니다.


국민은행 083737-04-005105
예금주 : (주)젊은여행사블루